Saturday, September 01, 2012
August 27,2012...Gonzalo said..
Cumplianoz Feliz!!!!!!
so happy..the best b'day present ever!!!! thanks God!my fav Neri Per Caso singer, Gonzalo Caravano...
before that there was gas leak n I was was ok then but left a shockness in me for hours..then an Angel came saying 'happy birthday' in spanish;)..WoW all the shockness just gone...Thanks alot God ..Muchas Gracias Angelo..
Friday, June 01, 2012
NKOTBSB Jakarta June 1st 2012
JAKARTA, — Dua boyband asal
AS, New Kids On The Block (NKOTB) dan Backstreet Boys (BSB), atau yang
lebih dikenal dengan sebutan NKOTBSB, seakan terlahir kembali ketika
mereka bergoyang dan bernyanyi di atas panggung Mata Elang International
Stadium (MEIS), Ancol, Jakarta Utara, Jumat (1/6/2012).
"Jakarta malam ini seru sekali bukan? Malam ini seperti tahun 1989 saja. Dan sampai sekarang sudah banyak petualangan yang kami lewati, tapi kami seakan baru saja memulai petualangannya," ujar Jordan Knight mewakili Joey McIntyre, Donnie Wahlberg, Danny Wood, dan Jonathan Knight di NKOTB sebelum lagu populer mereka, "Tonight", mengajak para ABG 1990-an bergoyang.
Ini bukan histeria pertama yang tercipta di MEIS semalam. Sejak awal pertunjukan NKOTB yang membuka konser dengan lagu "Summertime" langsung disambut riuh rendah sebelum jatah panggung bergeser ke BSB, yang kini tinggal dihuni Brian Littrell, Nick Carter, AJ McLean, dan Howie Dorough, dengan lagu "The Call".
NKOTB dan BSB silih berganti menguasai panggung. Masing-masing mengajak penggemarnya bernostalgia dengan lagu-lagu yang pernah populer antara 1984-1994, seperti "Dirty Dancing" dan "You Got It", dari NKOTB yang populer pada 1998.
Sementara BSB dengan "Get Down" dan "Larger Than Life". Lagu-lagu kalem seperti "Valentine Girl" dan "Don't Go Girl" dari NKOTB pun ikut menggoda para penonton.
Tak kalah serunya, BSB yang mengenakan setelan jas dan celana putih membuat penonton histeris tak karuan di lagu "Show Me The Meaning" dan "Ten Thousand Promises".
"Jakarta apa kalian senang malam ini? Kami NKOTBSB senang berada di Jakarta malam ini. Kalian punya perempuan-perempuan yang luar biasa. Kami memerlukan kalian untuk membantu kami (BSB) di atas sini," seru Dorough sebelum para personel BSB memilih empat perempuan untuk menjadi pasangan di lagu "I'll Never Break Your Heart".
Lagu itu seakan membuat penonton perempuan yang tak terpilih menjadi gerah lantaran keempat personel BSB bertekuk lutut di akhir lagu. "Kalian senang? Mau lagi?" seru Carter ketika menggulirkan "Drowing" dan "Incomplete".
Setelahnya, panggung kembali menjadi milik NKOTB. Lagu "Step By Step" yang paling populer selama perjalanan karier NKOTB sebagai boyband akhirnya dikumandangkan dengan aransemen musik yang tak menghilangkan warna synthesyzer 1990-an. Tak hanya wanita, penonton pria pun ikut histeris di bagian aksi panggung Jordan.
Tak sekadar bernyanyi, dengan koreografi yang apik NKOTB menyajikan sesuatu yang berbeda dari Wahlberg yang tahun ini genap berusia 44 tahun. "Jakarta, aku cinta kamu," seru Wahlberg lantang sambil memamerkan otot-ototnya yang masih kekar di antara lagu "Cover Girl" dan "My Favorite Girl".
Berikutnya, BSB mengajak penggemar untuk menikmati lagu-lagu Top 40 dari era 1995 sampai 1997, yang antara lain berjudul "Shape of My Heart", "As Long as You Love Me", "All I Have to Give", "Backstreet Back", hingga "Quit Playing Games With My Heart", sebelum "I'll Be Loving You" (NKOTB) dan "I Want it That Away" (BSB) bergantian memanjakan penonton.
Berikutnya, kolaborasi NKOTBSB yang paling dinantikan akhirnya tercipta di hadapan penonton. "Terima kasih sudah menunggu BSB sekian lama, dan menunggu NKOTB sekian lama. Apa kalian mau New Kids kami ajak lagi ke atas?" kata Littrell mengawali kolaborasi NKOTBSB untuk lagu "Don't Turn The Lights On" dan memungkasi aksi panggung dengan lagu "Hangin' Tough" (NKOTB) dan "Everybody" yang dikombinasikan para personel NKOTB yang berbusana batik di akhir pertunjukan.
"Jakarta malam ini seru sekali bukan? Malam ini seperti tahun 1989 saja. Dan sampai sekarang sudah banyak petualangan yang kami lewati, tapi kami seakan baru saja memulai petualangannya," ujar Jordan Knight mewakili Joey McIntyre, Donnie Wahlberg, Danny Wood, dan Jonathan Knight di NKOTB sebelum lagu populer mereka, "Tonight", mengajak para ABG 1990-an bergoyang.
Ini bukan histeria pertama yang tercipta di MEIS semalam. Sejak awal pertunjukan NKOTB yang membuka konser dengan lagu "Summertime" langsung disambut riuh rendah sebelum jatah panggung bergeser ke BSB, yang kini tinggal dihuni Brian Littrell, Nick Carter, AJ McLean, dan Howie Dorough, dengan lagu "The Call".
NKOTB dan BSB silih berganti menguasai panggung. Masing-masing mengajak penggemarnya bernostalgia dengan lagu-lagu yang pernah populer antara 1984-1994, seperti "Dirty Dancing" dan "You Got It", dari NKOTB yang populer pada 1998.
Sementara BSB dengan "Get Down" dan "Larger Than Life". Lagu-lagu kalem seperti "Valentine Girl" dan "Don't Go Girl" dari NKOTB pun ikut menggoda para penonton.
Tak kalah serunya, BSB yang mengenakan setelan jas dan celana putih membuat penonton histeris tak karuan di lagu "Show Me The Meaning" dan "Ten Thousand Promises".
"Jakarta apa kalian senang malam ini? Kami NKOTBSB senang berada di Jakarta malam ini. Kalian punya perempuan-perempuan yang luar biasa. Kami memerlukan kalian untuk membantu kami (BSB) di atas sini," seru Dorough sebelum para personel BSB memilih empat perempuan untuk menjadi pasangan di lagu "I'll Never Break Your Heart".
Lagu itu seakan membuat penonton perempuan yang tak terpilih menjadi gerah lantaran keempat personel BSB bertekuk lutut di akhir lagu. "Kalian senang? Mau lagi?" seru Carter ketika menggulirkan "Drowing" dan "Incomplete".
Setelahnya, panggung kembali menjadi milik NKOTB. Lagu "Step By Step" yang paling populer selama perjalanan karier NKOTB sebagai boyband akhirnya dikumandangkan dengan aransemen musik yang tak menghilangkan warna synthesyzer 1990-an. Tak hanya wanita, penonton pria pun ikut histeris di bagian aksi panggung Jordan.
Tak sekadar bernyanyi, dengan koreografi yang apik NKOTB menyajikan sesuatu yang berbeda dari Wahlberg yang tahun ini genap berusia 44 tahun. "Jakarta, aku cinta kamu," seru Wahlberg lantang sambil memamerkan otot-ototnya yang masih kekar di antara lagu "Cover Girl" dan "My Favorite Girl".
Berikutnya, BSB mengajak penggemar untuk menikmati lagu-lagu Top 40 dari era 1995 sampai 1997, yang antara lain berjudul "Shape of My Heart", "As Long as You Love Me", "All I Have to Give", "Backstreet Back", hingga "Quit Playing Games With My Heart", sebelum "I'll Be Loving You" (NKOTB) dan "I Want it That Away" (BSB) bergantian memanjakan penonton.
Berikutnya, kolaborasi NKOTBSB yang paling dinantikan akhirnya tercipta di hadapan penonton. "Terima kasih sudah menunggu BSB sekian lama, dan menunggu NKOTB sekian lama. Apa kalian mau New Kids kami ajak lagi ke atas?" kata Littrell mengawali kolaborasi NKOTBSB untuk lagu "Don't Turn The Lights On" dan memungkasi aksi panggung dengan lagu "Hangin' Tough" (NKOTB) dan "Everybody" yang dikombinasikan para personel NKOTB yang berbusana batik di akhir pertunjukan.
Maaaak Gina nonton NKOTB lagiii :) Wood
Jordan Knight
Jonathan Knight
And I saw NKOTB again after 20 years!!!!!Happy!!!Thanks God I could see my teenage idols....The sang all the hit songs..I remember my Mum..I saw their 1st concert with her...they sang my fav song 'didn't i blow ur mind'!!!!Wow..what a blast night..Jordan said in his twitter:They came with Back street their songs too.
Amazing show in Jakarta tonight. The way the crowd
sang "I'll be loving you forever" was touching. Made me think of Betty,
that was her fav!
Retweeted by I. Virginia
Jakarta... I never heard "I'll be Loving You
Forever" sang so loud and beautifully till tonight!!! THANK YOU!! WE
Retweeted by I. Virginia
Donnie Wahlberg
I was moved to tears by the love of the audience in
Jakarta tonight. Truly amazing. Such beautiful people. Thank you! #nkotbsbIndonesia
Retweeted by I. Virginia
Thank you Jakarta. I'll forever remember this night,
and all the beautiful Indonesian eyes looking up from the crowd with
such happiness!
Retweeted by I. Virginia
Friday, February 10, 2012
Mama-ku di mata Sahabat-ku
Monday, October 06, 2008
Mengenang Ibu Yohanna
Ibu Yohanna, yang biasa aku sapa dengan sebutan Tante, adalah Ibunda sahabatku, Azzurrina. Pertama kali aku mengenal beliau tahun 1994/1995, ketika itu aku sering menginap di rumah sahabatku itu saat akhir pekan. Di mataku, beliau adalah sosok yang cantik, ramah dan lembut tutur katanya. Beliau juga seseorang yang tidak suka berdiam diri, beliau menikmati perannya sebagai seorang wanita pekerja di samping perannya sebagai seorang istri dan ibu dari ketiga putra-putrinya.
Aku ingat, dulu beliau bersama ibundanya yang biasa aku sapa Oma, senang menyediakan masakan-masakan Menado, daerah asal beliau, terutama di hari-hari istimewa. Aku juga ingat, beliau pernah memberi hadiah ulang tahun untuk mamaku, yaitu tea set dan tempat lilin, yang sampai sekarang masih kami simpan dengan baik.
Tanggal 5 Oktober 2008, di usia 61 tahun, beliau menghadap Sang Pencipta akibat penyakit diabetes yang beliau derita, yang juga mempengaruhi kesehatan paru-paru beliau. Terakhir kali aku bertemu beliau di RS Dharmais, saat aku menjenguk sahabatku, beberapa bulan yang lalu.
Banyak teman, kerabat dan tetangga yang hadir mengungkapkan belasungkawa yang mendalam melepas kepergian beliau. Beliau dicintai oleh banyak orang karena beliau mencintai banyak orang semasa hidupnya.
Posted by aQuaRiaNNie at 9:41 AM 2 comments
Labels: Friends
Le Colline Sono In Fiore
È già passato
quasi un anno
da quando sei
quello che
m'hai detto
il giorno che
tu m'hai
«Ti amo
scordarmi di
Ma non è
non son
per te
le colline
sono in fiore
ed io,
sto morendo
di dolore.
non importa,
non fa niente
se tu
non sei
diventato più
Perché sei
per me.
Un giorno è
lungo ed un
è lungo da
Ripenso a
quello che mi
hai scritto
e ho tanto
freddo dentro
il cuore.
«Va tutto
ti penso
e spero di
Un giorno o
decidersi e
le colline
sono in fiore
ed io,
sto morendo
di dolore.
non importa,
non fa niente
se tu
non sei
diventato più
Perché sei
per me.
Ayam Ijo Menado
- Bawang putih
- Bawang Merah
- Cabe Ijo
- Tomat Ijo
- Daun Jeruk
- Rawit Ijo
- Kemiri
- Kunyit sedikit
- Jahe sedikit
- Sereh (iris kecil2 n di ulek)
- Kemangi
Cara memasak:
- smua bumbu di ulek
- tumis bumbu
- masukan ayam (ayam dipotong kecil2 lalu di godok)
- sudah mau matang masukan kemangi
Italian Men: Why Women Can't Get Enough of Them?
I appreciate all things Italian but nothing as much as Italian men. I don't know if they are God's gift to women, but they are certainly God's gift to me. The best of them are dark, strong, sensitive, charming, playful, emotional, smart and oh so beautiful. From the late actor Marcello Mastroianni to my own papà Pasquale Di Meglio, Italian men have a way about them that is irresistible to the opposite sex. The Italians I grew up with -- from papà and my brother to my cousins and uncles -- showed me that real men tell you that you're beautiful and really mean it, feed you to show their affection, cry rarely but genuinely and work hard in honor of the woman they love.
I'm definitely not alone in my devotion. "There is a certain swagger about Italian men that strikes the right balance between arrogant and insecure, manly and boyish, and -- best of all -- sexy and silly," says Melissa Walker, 26, of Brooklyn, New York. Even the world's most beautiful women have discovered their seductive masculinity. Linda Evangelista is linked with oil magnate Ugo Brachetti Peretti, Heidi Klum is seeing Formula 1 capo Flavio Briatore and Naomi Campbell is canoodling with fashion mogul Matteo Marzotto. Just what is the appeal? Here, five traits -- as if you needed all five -- that will have you pining for a paesano:
An Italian man's face tells his life story. I recently stood inches away from Juventus soccer star Marco Di Vaio and his coach Marcello Lippi. Just off summer vacation, Di Vaio's smooth, bronzed skin was glowing with the flush of youth. His sparkling eyes displayed the promise of one whose greatness is on the brink of arrival. In contrast, the more mature Lippi with his perfectly coifed silver mane spoke of maturity and confidence and grace with his expressions alone. Every line, every crease was elegant and revealed a lifetime's worth of knowledge. The distinction between Di Vaio and Lippi was clear, but the allure was exactly the same: A look from either and you were sure that you were the only woman he could see. Those faces will be etched in my memory like favorite books -- one reading and you get a whole new perspective on the world. "When it comes to Italian men, from Adriano Giannini (Giancarlo's son) to James Gandolfini to Silvio Berlusconi, it's good looks, style, guts, sense of humor, appetite, and arrogance that I love," says Elizabeth Primamore, a writer in Manhattan. The bottom line: Young or grown, Italian men are simply sexy!
An Italian man flirts like other men breathe -- regularly and naturally. From the days of Casanova, Italians have had a reputation for charming women the world over and they never rely on looks alone. "They're sultry, suave and know how to flirt. American guys don't flirt, they tend to go the opposite route, and turn rudeness into some sort of come-on scheme," says 24-year-old Adelia Mazzella, who is half Filipino and half Italian. "Also, Italians are funny and love life." And the boys are smart to boot. According to the Italian website Zoomata, in a recent magazine survey of more than 1,000 Italian men, 68 percent reported carrying a book to the beach to encourage conversation with women. About 80 percent of those men toted The Bible or Dante's Divine Comedy -- hardly lightweight reading material. No doubt that their pick-up lines are more poetic! The lesson for other men reading this is that to be truly successful with women, you have to use all of your natural resources. All of them.
An Italian man appreciates family. Women are mothers, which is why we often find ourselves looking for a guy who wants to take care of his parents when they are aged and is good with kids. Look no further than the Boot, ladies. Italian men have taken some heat, especially lately, for being too close to mamma, but this is not the liability that the media is making it out to be. On the contrary, having a devotion to one's family -- mamma and all -- usually indicates strength of character. "[Italian men have] great family values, which typically shine through in how they treat people, whether it's me, their family, friends, or even strangers," says 25-year-old Lisa Rogers of Manhattan. A guy who embraces his own relatives (and has the potential to fall in love with your family) is becoming rarer and rarer in these post-post-modern times. But Italian men are still hanging onto the idea that blood counts for something, that life is best spent around a big table eating and talking and celebrating with those who brought you into the world. A man who still values family is to be valued himself.
An Italian man is an unforgettable lover. My sister Rosaria Concetta Di Meglio, 19, of Washington D.C. says that women are attracted to Italian men because they are confident and rumored to be wild in the sack. If potency is any indication, then maybe little sis is right. According to Zoomata, 12 percent of Italian men have had erectile problems, compared to 35 percent of Brits and 42 percent of French. In addition, Italian men worship the female form and pay attention to details -- from sweetly caressing your cheek in a passionate moment to playfully twisting your hair on the beach. I bet reality is even better than the fantasy. But there is one catch. To love an Italian man is to love a man who is coveted by all your girlfriends and then some. "I love Italian guys looks-wise, though the thought of actually dating one is sort of scary," admits 100-percent Italian Alyssa Vitrano. "I'd have to find an exception to the stereotype of a womanizing, not-that-into-fidelity guy." I have to believe there are good ones still out there - and what a good time he would show you!
An Italian man loves women -- all sorts of women in all shapes and sizes, of all races and creeds. And there's nothing sexier than a man who wants you as much as you want him. My cousin Michele Blaso, 41 years old and married to an Italian man, says that Italian men "are strong willed and always strive for more." That ambition surfaces even at the very start of a romance. He'll continuously work hard to improve himself and to let the object of his affection know that she is the one. When an Italian man meets a woman for the first time, he discovers her greatest attribute -- her smile or her generosity or her long legs -- and applauds it as though he was the first to do so. He makes a woman feel as though she is special and full of potential just in the way he looks at her. The reflection she will see of herself in his eyes will leave her full of desire and breathless with anticipation. An Italian man always gets the girl because he makes her fall in love with him as much as he makes her fall in love with herself. That's the secret!
Our Paesani
by Francesca Di Meglio
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
my 2011
2011 akan berlaluuu..
Ga berasa tahun ini akan berlalu.cie cie..bahasa many ups n downs nya..teteup gw bersyukur buat smua yang sudah terjadi dalam hidup gue taun ini. Gue yakin taun depan akan lebih baik...
Moment2 penting taun 2011..
- Januari, dapet banyak temen baru dari NPC juga temenan sama i neri!!! mreka bae2 ternyata...just like a dream come true..Gonzo jd temen gue booo;) ...Mama ultah 21 Jan, di hari itu gw inget gw sueneng banget ga tau knapa...sampe2 someone bilang 'why are you looking sooooo pretty today???' n juga idolah GC jempoling wall gueee..yeahh senenggg...End of the month gue ketemu mba guide in was so good to see Sista Peg...
- Feb, ultah Azzurinni cemeners maen ke rumah amica..seruu...Trus gw dapet cd NPC Donne!!!!yeahhh grazie Fanny Tunggal...pamer ke npc, gonz n mario kasi jempolss...Valentines dapet kado banyak dari mas Ken ;) tengkyu darling...
- March..ngapain yaaa..lupa..
-April..I met Angel again!!!!!Thanks to Yanny my sista to help me ..I was soooo happy kita jalan2 n Angel nginep di sentul..ternyata dia tetep sayang sama u too Angelina!! Happy to see Yoga too...Thanks God..Although I had to accept the changing religion thing ..was really shocked..God helped me..Kita jalan2 ke BonBin..
Boss gue bilang gue bakal jadi GS blng 'ok boss':-) Merci Mon Dieu..Naik gaji juga..Thx God...
- May...Jalan2 sama Angelin... seneng...Nonton Andrea Bocelli!!!!terima kasih Tuhan dengar doaku:-) he was wow...God gave him beautiful voice...lagu can't help falling in love di fav...n con te partiro, dada gue ampir mledakkk wow..powerfull..thx to Rini temen gw sudah bantu beli tiket..Gbu!!
- Jun...Arrangin trip with Nope n Luki...Bali trip n Spore trip...heboh seruuu
- Jul...Luki was in town until aug 15...2 minggu awal Jul nemenin Ny. Parneix di sudirman park apart...Parneix Fam dateng 15 Jul..was so happy to meet them..the kids were so cute n spoke bahasa :D
- Aug..awal agustus pergi ke Bali sama Luki 4 hari 3 ubud makan bebek bengil..lokasinya ciamikkk,,,dugem di hard rock-Jogadanz top bgt dahh..ditemani mr. Roy hahahah ada insiden seru sama mr. Oli .....setelah itu Spore trip sama Nope n Luki..selalu seru jalan sama ibu2 pkk ;p dapet spatu hooooreeee thx girls..Ultah gw di tempat te Els..anter tante ke rumah baru di depok...libur lebaran sminggu di rumah..istirahat..i enjoyed it;)
- Sep...AC Milan Glorie cameeeee!!!!yeahhhh gw ketemu Billy Costacurta..Baressi...Lentini(aigain;))...Didda...Serginho...Nava...Massaro..Happy!!!saw them in 10m from where I sat...Thanks Lord!!!taun lalu waktu ke Luki mau ke Milan, ga kesampean..tauny mereka yg dateng..Tuhan Baik banget!!!thx God..
- October...Dapet Receptionist baru,5 oct..bertepatan dng 3 thn Mama pergi..namanya 5 hari...n 15 oct started working as general service officer..God please help and be with me always...can not do it without the begining was hard..but I knew Tuhan selalu menyertai....Ken ulang tahun!!!Happy Birthday my you now n always...much love..thanks to love me and teach me to write n make me love reading :).......Ada insident, salah tulis wall di tmpt idola GZ hahahahahahah embarresing time for me...n the girls kept saying thing making me more embarresed to GZ..tapi GZ bantuin gue loh buat ngapur..thx idola..u'r d'best..yg gw tulis 'perjalanan ini terasa amat menyedihkan *kebelet di biss sentul' gw tulis di inbok dia bilang thx udah bantu ngapus..n minta dia abaikan apa yg ce2 bilang....di bales lol no problem..kisses n good to you too ...uhuyyyyyy
-November ...Jalan2 outing ke BDG..seru petualangan jalan2 sama Dian SBY...kliling outlet nemenin dia shopping:) ke Anglung mang Udjo..terpesona dengan permainan angklung n specially pas mainin lagu ny can't help falling in gw dibuatny..kerjaan berjalan lancar..puji Tuhan...walo ada tantangan n rintangan percaya Tuhan pasti buka jalan..Thank You Lord...
- December...Jalan2 sama Angel n Yoga...mreka lg seneng main spatu Roda...I enjoyed my time with the kids..NkOTB mau konser 1 Jun..Oh my Lord..aku mau nontonnnnn kalau Tuhan ijinkan...ketemu face to face juga kalau bisa:D..Thanks to my Boss dikasih cuti 27 dec - 2 jan...
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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