Monday, September 18, 2006
It's KG's Day!!!!!
....She said YES!!!!!
Yes..Bonny Lass Said YES :-)
Hope and Pray that the dream will come true..Amen!
Bella Bambina
Ps: Ken with the bike :-)
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Givaudan Company Outing - Bali 2006
Outing ke Bali lagi !!!!!! Seneng banget ..taun lalu udah kesana tapi tetep aja nggak bosen2...Padahal br bulan April kemaren ke Bali sama Yuli and Ani...
Day One - August 17 '06
Dari Jakarta jam 1pm-an and smp Denpasar jam 1/2 3 an..Tujuan pertama ke Dream Land!!! asik banget..maen air and foto2..view nya top abisssss...We all had a good time there...Trus brangkat ke Hotel Mentari Sanur, jam 1/2 7pm trus kita renang rame2..seru juga ada adegan 'two pieces' -nya Enchai hahha..Abis renang makan malam nasi kotak and kumpul2 sm anak2 di pinggir pool...Jam 11.00pm Sa hean ngajak jalan ke-Kuta trus dia mo buy us drinks..So, jalan lah kita, tujuan Kuta-Kamsut..asik jg dugem bareng anak2, fun banget...Trus Jam 1/2 2 kita balik ke Hotel..Trus tidur zzzz...
Day Two - August 18 '06
Bangun jam 7.00am...packing ...trus makan pagi, nas gor and kopi ..hmmm..jalan jam 8.30, smua pake baju Joger...Tujuan pertama ke Monument perjuangan Bali, di Denpasar..monumen nya bagus n guede banget..Trus abis itu kita ke toko Perak di Celuk..trus ke Pengrajin Patung..Trus kita menuju Bali Timur, Makan siang di pinggir sawah, di deket Besakih, Pura terbesar di Bali..Keren abiss..Trus kita ke Tirta Gangga, taman yang cuantik bgt, di tengah taman ada kolam n kita bisa jalan di tengah kolam..udah gitu di tengah kolam ada patung kecil2 lg..keren dechhh...Abis dari sana kita ke Hotel di pinggir laut di daerah Candi Dase..Tempatnya tuhh cosi romantica gituuu...Baru nyampe udah foto2 hehe..hari2 kerjaan motooo muluu...Trus gak lama kita berenang, kolam nya tuh di pinggir laut, asik gak tuhh...Trus makan malam di deket hotel, masih di pinggir laut..hmmmm asiiik...Pulang ke hotel jam 10 malem trus tidur deh..Kamarnya tuh bernuansa romantis, remang2 and bed-nya pake kelambu segala lagi..
Day Three - August 19 '06
Bangun tidur trus mandi..dandan trus packing...abis gitu makan pagi di pinggir laut..aduhhh skali lg gw bilang top bgt deh pemandangannya...cocok buat yang lagi honey moon ;))) ..Jam 9.30am kita jalan lagi naik bus tur seperti biasanya..tujuan pertama hari itu ke Goa Lawah, goa di pinggir laut..kita bisa liat goa dengan buanyak kelelawar di dalamnya...trus di sana ada jg orang2 sana yg suka sembahyang..Trus stelah itu kita ke Peninggalan Kerajaan Klungkung, liat istana Klungkung..Abis itu kita ke Jony Restaurant di daera ubud, makan siang di pinggir sawah abis makan kita liat2 lukisan disana..Trus kita ke Sukawati, shopping time!!!! belanja oleh2 buat kluarga ;) Abis blanja kita ke Hotel di daerah Tuban namanya apa gue lupa :( tapi hotelnya tuh buagussss banget...kamarnya keren, ada ruang tamu, dapur n minibar, trus kamar mandinya tuh yg ada jacuzzi nya gituuu...perfect!! Malam minggu jalan2 di Kuta, n nongkrong di starbuck sampe jam 1-an, balik ke hotel jam 1.30am..Ngobrol2 dl sama roomates, Maria n Nina n tidur2 jam 3 pagi!!
Day Four - August 20 '06
Bangun pagi jam 7..mandi n packing trus lanjut makan pagi ...abis itu jalan ke Pantai Kuta ...blanja lagi!!! Jam 12 balik ke hotel..makan siang rame2...trus jam 2.00pm ke Joger, gue sihh ga blanja...jam 4 jalan ke bandara tapi dapet kabar mengejutkan, pesawat Air Asia yg kita tumpangi yg ktnya delay ke jam 6.20pm, ternyata gak ada delay n udah brankat jam 2 tiket kita hangus kt orang airasia :( ...Tapi bu EH, ketua panitia kita memang top, thanks alot Bu EH...semua diurus sama dia sampe kita bisa pulang ke Jakarta dengan selamat naik Garuda, penerbangan hari senin 21 Agustus, jam 00.30am....sape rumah jam 3.00am dengan selamat...Thanks God..What a trip..
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Trip To Surabaya...
Ke Surabaya sama Ria, brangkat hari minggu 30 Juli, sampe Kendangsari jam 6.30pm..Jalan2 malam sama Ria, ke Chicco..trus makan di Rest. 'Tan Panama', asik bgt tempatnya..Senin, 31 July '06 City tour sama Ria, sempat jg liat makam 'Bokap'..take picture jg..23 tahun ga liat..Malemnya nonton Concert 'Don Moen'..di Jakarta udah nonton sich tgl 27 July..tapi mo nonton lg ...Concertnya Seru..Sukacita dech pokoke ;-) ..Abis concert, sempet liat rumah lama 'Blok B 13' pager n garasinya blum brubah...I spent my childhood there from '79 till '83..
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Tanggapan Cemeners ttg ITALIA :-)
Selamat sore Bu Heb...
Wah seru banget final World Cup di rumahmu, tau gitu aku pindahan aja ke
sana ya... Hehehe.... Rara sampe ikutan begadang ya.... :)
Perasaanku bahagia bercampur haru, rasanya seperti mimpi, rasanya terbang
melayang tinggi saking happynya, setengah gak percaya, gak mau berenti
senyum deh all day, tapi musti berenti juga sih, ntar dikira gila lagi!! :D
Berhubung nontonnya cuma berdua Mama, begitu Fabio Grosso berhasil
mengeksekusi penalti ke 5, kita langsung berpelukaaaannn.... Kayak
teletubies, terus kita teriak2, "Azzurri juara dunia! Kita juara dunia!!!"
Lho kok 'kita' ya? Maksudnya saking merasa memiliki gitu Bu Heb...
Tau gak Bu Heb, pas mau adu penalti, telapak tangan & kakiku dingin, terus
rasanya pingin pipis, terus perutku juga mules... Aduuuuuhhhh.... Padahal
aku udah berusaha menenangkan diri lho... Tapi tetep aja... Untung anak2
Azzurrinya pada tenang, jadi biar aku aja yg grogi gpp deh.... :)
Azzurrina, Tuy & Lele malah pada ke IIC, asik banget yaaaa...!!! Sayang
banget aku gak bisa ikutan, tapi kita sempet ngomong via telepon, mereka
lagi makan di McD, terasa banget deh serunya... :) Aku dapet banyak telp
begitu Azzurri menang, dari sodara di Bali, dari Andre di Malang, dari
Cemeners, sms dari temen2... Alamaaaaaaakk.... Hebohnya.... :)
Ya wis Bu Heb, besok lanjutin lagi rumpiannya ya, kita tunggu comment dari
Azzurrina & Lele ya...
Siang Cemeners,
Aduh senangnya team Azzuri...(Gimana perasaan kamu Ce.....?? and Gina to
day Cuti....pasti ngerayain ya ...))
tau ga cemeners, ...ditempatku nonton bersamanya sampai sampai ada kambing
guling, ikan bakar segalanya...
aku tidur jam 11- 12 ....pas jam 12.45 sdh tdk bisa tidur karna suara
didepan rmhku ramai buanget...... Rara sempat bangun dari jam 3 - 4
subuh...jadinya kita nonton sampai jam 4 subuh,...karna Mas Orange juga
masuk rumah sdh jam 3 pagi...
Pokoke salut deh...sama team Azzuri....
Retno Widati
Finance Department
haloo semuaaaaaa.....
gimana nih hari2nya? baik2 saja kannn..
apalagi kaumnya azurini and azurina pasti masih suka senyum2 sendiri kan
karena teamnya menang..
ga sia2 deh gw ikutan begadang , temenin gina nonton bola di kebudayaan
rame bgt ya gin, seru abis deh saking ramenya ga kebagian di dalam
trus pas mau duduk lesehan ehhh kesundut rokok... trus mau pulang ketabrak
hehehehehe.... ada2 aja ya
tapi yg penting seru bgt deg , nonton rame2 gitu trus dimeriahkan sama
kedatangan 3 bencong hehehehhee... yah maklumlah disitu kan emang daerah
mejengnya bencong...
sepanjang pertandingan si gina tegang bgt loh nontonnya yah maklumlah
and si tuyul dapat kecengan co italy sayang ga berlanjut ya tuy....
trus pas italy menang si gina jijingkrakkan sampe lupa sama sendal barunya
hehehehehe..untung tuyul ingatin
trus kita juga berpelukan kaya teletabis juga nik. seru bgt deh trus jalan2
muter2 and mangkal di mc sarinah , judulnya ditraktir gina krn italy
menang... asyik yaaa
besoknya abis tidur nyaman di kosnya gina , abis itu nonton dvd itali yg
judulnya la vita bela ya gin
yg artinya hidup itu indah... !! seru bgt ya tapi sedih juga sih, masa
jagoannya akhirnya meninggal. dimana2 tuh jagoan ga pernah meninggal kan
abis itu kita makan empek2 garuda , makan siang tuh ceritanya hehehehe..
trus ke atrium creambath lumayan sih menghilangkan otot2 yg tegang krn
nonton bola
hehehehe... abis itu ditraktir mba wid.... tumben bgt yaaaaaaaaaaaa
hihihihihihihi.... abis dapat lotrenya krn menang taruhan bola
hehehehhehee... just joking loh mbaaaaaaaaa..... anyway thanksssssssssss
yaaaaaaaaa sering2 aja mba.... ;P
trussssssss abis ketawa2 gitu pulangnya ada kejadian yg ga mengenakan and
masa mba wid berantem sama preman senen lohhhh... ih berani bgt ya mba wid,
emang sih preman itu emang nyebelin bgt malak seenak udelnya aja. tapi
sempet serem juga loh abis disitu kan temen2nya banyak takut aja mba wid
diapa2in mana kita ce2 semua lagi. pokoknya bikin deg2an deh.
mba wid anak kolong sih ya jadi ya berani deh melawan preman2 jalanan itu
hehehhehehe... bener2 kaya polwan deh kemarin mba wid itu....
udah ah guys laporannya cukup sekian dulu. panjang ya email gw hehehehehe...
maklum laporan seminggu...
Monday, July 10, 2006
Minggu, 10 July 2006...
Ketemuan sama Lele and Tuy di Ambasador..Kita mo nonton bareng Final Piala Dunia di Instituto Italiana di Cultura (IIC)..Beli baju Azzurri, gue pilih Toni and Tuy pilih Totti..yeahh!! abis shopping balik ke kos gw naik taxi Koprasi..omong punya omong, akhirnya kita pesan sm supir Taxi, Pak Dedi tuk jemput kita jam 1/2 1!
Senin, 11 July 2006...
Abis tiduran 2 jam, jam 1/2 1 kita meluncur ke IIC..pas sampe sana udah banyak Tifosi yg ternyata Tifosi di Indonesia jg Ok2 loh;) ..Tifosi Italiano nya pa lagee!!!Kita mo nonton di dalam yg pake AC cuma udah penuh..nyesel jg ga dateng lbh cepat tp dia luar asik jg..layarnya lebih bgs dr yg di lama kita datang, pertandingan mulai..
Seru banget liat pertandingan sama Tifosi..Babak pertama menit awal Prancis ngegolin lwt tendangan penalty..mendadak gw yg tegang n diem, Tuy kesih semangat 'Tenang Gin..pertandingan msh panjang ko'..trus Materrazzi nyetak gol setelah dpt umpan sepak pojok Pirlo..Yeah!!!! semua yg nonton bersorak sorai sambil yg pas liat goal lg nrima telp novi, langsung girang banget sampe2 lupa kalo lg trima telp hahah...Yeahh..orang2 Italinya jg keluar dr ruang AC n ngerayain Goal bareng kita2 ..seru abis...Abis itu Italy nerang terus tp belum berhasil nyetak goal..
Babak ke dua Prancis gantian nyerang tapi barisan belakan n Buffon solid banget so usaha Prancis tuk nyetak goal selalu sukses di gagalkan para Difensore n Buffon..Sampe akhir babak kedua skor msh 1-1 ..Perpanjangan waktu masih tidah tercipta goal..Ada insiden di paruh waktu ke dua, Zidane 'nyeruduk' dada Materrazzi setelah terlibat adu mulut..akibatnya Zidane diusir wasit..Akhirnya adu Pinalty harus di tempuh untuk nyari pemenang..nervous nya bukan main..gue liat adu pinalty sambil setengah merem n doa..Please God!!..Squad Azzurri: Pirlo, Materrazzi, De Rossi, Del Pierro, Grosso..
Every moment selalu mendebarkan..n tiap Italy berhasil nyetak goal gw slalu give thanks..n wkt Trezeguet tendangannya kena mistar gawang gw n smua Tifosi screamed..yes!!!...and when eksekuto terakhir team Italia, Grosso berhasil ..yeahhhhh.....ahhhh...thanks God!!!!!!!!!!! smua yg ada di IIC merayakan kemenangan Italia di Piala Dunia - Germany 2006...gue sampe nangis n screaming sm Tifosi yg lain..hiruk pikuk bahagia terpancar di IIC...Duta besar Italia yg baru dtng setelah usai pertandingan ( dia nonton Bareng Pak SBY di Istana), langsung disambut Tifosi dng sorak sorai ..Yeahhhhh...Italia!!!!!!!!!..seru bgt pokoknya and that moment I won't forget all of my lagee ada dua Cemeners ( Lele n Tuy ) yg nemenin gw..Thanks girls..Gak henti2nya gw bersyukur boleh menyaksikan kemenangan tim favorit gw..
Abis nonton kita ke Mc Donald ngerayain kemenangan Italia...McD Sarinah jg tumpah ruah, mungkin jg sm2 abis nonton...makan disana dari jam 1/2 5 pagi sampai jam 1/2 6 ..trus go home with lots of smile :)))))))))))))))))
Grazie Dio ...Congratulazione Ragazzi...I luv you all..Muahhhhhhh!!!
Monday, April 10, 2006
Day Five, 10 April 06 ( Senin )
Tuy pulang naik taxi ke bandara jam 5am..nak pesawat jam 5.30am ke JKT, naik Batavia...Gina n Ani break fast jam 9 n langsung ke luar ke pantai lagi for the last time before we retun to JKT...main air n liat anak kecil 7 thn - an belajar surfing...lucu bgt...Trus kita makan baso di pantai and liat co2 Jkt yg cute jalan di pantai...haa....pemandangan indah di pagi hari..
Trus kita cuci foto di fuji...n kita tinggal sambil kita cari kacang Bali di Kuta Square...Ani balik ke hotel ambil credit card, gina jalan sendiri..nongkrong di book shop eh ada co Jepang ndeketin uhuu...seru jg..Trus abis dari Kuta Square kita ke Art Market beli baju n clana titipan Tuy..dasarnya kita ga bs nawar, main beli aja...
Trus balik ke Hotel Flora..packing2n siap2 ke bandara jam 12, soalnya jemputan udah dtng...Sedih jg ninggalin Bali...naik pesawat jam 2 sampe Jkt jam 3-an..What a nice holiday in Bali with 2 of the Cemeners...
Thank You My Lord for everything...
Hope to come back again to Bali soon..hopefully with someone special..Amen....
Trus kita cuci foto di fuji...n kita tinggal sambil kita cari kacang Bali di Kuta Square...Ani balik ke hotel ambil credit card, gina jalan sendiri..nongkrong di book shop eh ada co Jepang ndeketin uhuu...seru jg..Trus abis dari Kuta Square kita ke Art Market beli baju n clana titipan Tuy..dasarnya kita ga bs nawar, main beli aja...
Trus balik ke Hotel Flora..packing2n siap2 ke bandara jam 12, soalnya jemputan udah dtng...Sedih jg ninggalin Bali...naik pesawat jam 2 sampe Jkt jam 3-an..What a nice holiday in Bali with 2 of the Cemeners...
Thank You My Lord for everything...
Hope to come back again to Bali soon..hopefully with someone special..Amen....
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Day Four, 9 April '06
Bangun pagi jam 6.30am...jalan2 ke kuta beach maen air lagee n foto2 di depan Hard Rock Hotel di papan surf raksasa..trus pulang ke hotel jam 9....ada kejadian lucu lagi..dlm perjalanan pulang kita diikutin 3 anjing sampe hotel..Tuy ketakutan hehehe..lucu bgt. Trus anak2 sarapan but gina berenang sendiri sekitar 1/2 jam. Abis mandi, gina ke kuta cuci foto..anak2 ga mo ikut cape ktnya ya ga masalah seeh...gina jalan sendiri trus disangkain turis jepang ato korea hahahahh...lucu ya..abis naro film di fuji, gina jalan ke Kuta ngeposin kartu pos...Trus gina nongkrong di Kuta Beach..makan baso, bikin tato cm 10rb, lumayan ..trus cat kuku 10rb jg..Sempat ketemu Rima di sana lg jln sama cowonya...gina sms Ani, gina enjoy di kuta beach n mereka jealous :)...
Trus jam 12 kita check out dari Oasis Hotel...n then kita tour ke Nusa Dua n Dream Land...dijemput sama 'Made' (the3rd Made hehe ) soalnya Pak Ketut lg ada upacara adat. Ke Nusa Dua sampe sana jam 1 kurang, main Parasailing n Diving...300rb...seru banget lagi divingnya..kan Gina n Tuy ga bs berenang n lagi 'dapet' tp kt instrukturnya ga masalah..akhirnya Tuy n Gina mau diving. Gina agak nerveous pertamanya n pas liat Tuy yg tenang gina jd tambah senewen...Tuy nyebur duluan n dikasi instruksi sm 'Anderson'...trus gina berusaha nenangin diri...di dalam laut gina liat ikan2 hias yg cantik2 trus rumput laut ...asik banget..megang kerang jg aik deh pokonya.. Trus sekitar 15 menit di dalam kita naik, 'knapa udah selesai?' kata Edi ( instruktur gina) tabung gina udah abis soalnya gina nafasnya cepet n sering banget..trus gina lanjutin snorkling ...yang lucu...pas gina abis diving n naik,..gina seneng banget pas liat Tuy ' udah sampe ternyata..seneng bgt bs liat lo lg'...trus kata Edi n Ani 'Apaa...orang dia blum diving dr tadi!!!' ...ha???? gw langsung ketawa ngedengernya...abis gayanya Tuy tuh yg menyakinkan bgt pas denger instruksinya Edi sblum mulai diving hahahaah...dasar Tuy...
Trus jam 3 kita ke Dream Land...kata Asri n Aji sih tempatnya indah banget...ternyata emang begitu adanya...Tempatnya sepertinya pernah gina liat sebelumnya, ternyata video klip MLTR ' Someday ' diambil dsn..keren bnyk orang yg datang ...pasirnya putih...pantainya bersih...airnya biru keijo ijo an..cantik sekali...kita maen air..basah2an...asik banget...foto2 jg...rasanya kaya ga mo pulang aja...akhirnya pulang jam 5 lewat...trus check in di Flora Hotel..Dinner di dkt Jogger trus pulang mbahas ttg Nusa Dua...kocak abis...
Trus jam 12 kita check out dari Oasis Hotel...n then kita tour ke Nusa Dua n Dream Land...dijemput sama 'Made' (the3rd Made hehe ) soalnya Pak Ketut lg ada upacara adat. Ke Nusa Dua sampe sana jam 1 kurang, main Parasailing n Diving...300rb...seru banget lagi divingnya..kan Gina n Tuy ga bs berenang n lagi 'dapet' tp kt instrukturnya ga masalah..akhirnya Tuy n Gina mau diving. Gina agak nerveous pertamanya n pas liat Tuy yg tenang gina jd tambah senewen...Tuy nyebur duluan n dikasi instruksi sm 'Anderson'...trus gina berusaha nenangin diri...di dalam laut gina liat ikan2 hias yg cantik2 trus rumput laut ...asik banget..megang kerang jg aik deh pokonya.. Trus sekitar 15 menit di dalam kita naik, 'knapa udah selesai?' kata Edi ( instruktur gina) tabung gina udah abis soalnya gina nafasnya cepet n sering banget..trus gina lanjutin snorkling ...yang lucu...pas gina abis diving n naik,..gina seneng banget pas liat Tuy ' udah sampe ternyata..seneng bgt bs liat lo lg'...trus kata Edi n Ani 'Apaa...orang dia blum diving dr tadi!!!' ...ha???? gw langsung ketawa ngedengernya...abis gayanya Tuy tuh yg menyakinkan bgt pas denger instruksinya Edi sblum mulai diving hahahaah...dasar Tuy...
Trus jam 3 kita ke Dream Land...kata Asri n Aji sih tempatnya indah banget...ternyata emang begitu adanya...Tempatnya sepertinya pernah gina liat sebelumnya, ternyata video klip MLTR ' Someday ' diambil dsn..keren bnyk orang yg datang ...pasirnya putih...pantainya bersih...airnya biru keijo ijo an..cantik sekali...kita maen air..basah2an...asik banget...foto2 jg...rasanya kaya ga mo pulang aja...akhirnya pulang jam 5 lewat...trus check in di Flora Hotel..Dinner di dkt Jogger trus pulang mbahas ttg Nusa Dua...kocak abis...
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Day Three, 8 April '06 ( Saturday )
Bangun jam 6.30 - an...gina langsung berenang padahal masih 'dapet'..cuek aja..hehe..Anak2 ga renang, males ktnya..Kolamnya bagus n airnya ijo gituu...pas gina renang masi sepi ga lama kemudian br rame ...Trus jam 1/2 8 mandi n sarapan sama Ani, Tuy jatah sarapannya hari minggu pagi...Jam 9 kurang 15 ada room service lg ...'Eh..Made!!' kita2 jd pd nerveous hehe gue ke rest room, Tuy juga ..Ani langsung nyeletuk ' Ini kok jd pd masuk ke rest room sihh??' hahahah....lucuuu... trus si made nanya lagi ' Pada mo jalan kemana ntar malam?' kita jadi mulai akrab sm dia n janjian malem mo jalan..n tukeran no HP. pagi itu dia keren pake clana putih n kemeja warnanya Azurri...cute abis!!...Trus dia sempet jg bantu foto2 kita di deket kolam..Thx Braga..
Pak Ketut jemput kita jam 9 pagi n kita jalan ke Bali Utara...Pertama-tama kita mampir ke Galuh, ga belanja tp foto2 ajaabis tempatnya bgs bgt..Terus kita jg mampir ke toko silver ..bagus2 sihh cuma harga nya 'bagus' jg...nah pas ke Sukowati next stop, kita pada ngeborong sendal, baju...Thanks to Tuy again for nawarin harga2....
Abis itu kita ke Batur...pemandangannya indah banget, foto2 di sana n kita lunch di Kintamani sambil mandangin Gunung Batur n Danau Batur..just beautiful...trus jam 1.00pm kita lanjut lg ke Ubud....pas sampe daerah Delalang kita stop n foto2 di pinggir sawah yg indahhh banget kt pak Ketut dulu sempet iklan Sunsilk di buat disana, emang tempatnya bagus sekaliiii...
Trus jalan lg menuju ke Musium Antonio Blanco ..sepanjang jalan tuh ga henti2nya ngeliat Art Shops ..banyakkk banget!!! heran ga sih gue hahaha norak bgt orang kota ke desa haha..surprise bgt ngeliatnya wow!! orang Bali emang talented bgt, apa yg mereka kerjakan punya nilai seni yg tinggi...Pas ke musium Antonio Blanco, gina sekali lg takjub..tempatnya bagus..n lukisan2nya jg indah2..hampir smua lukisannya berkisar ttg nude women...Kita foto2 dsn n sempet liat2 biografi A.Blanco...Gina baru tau kalo dia nikah sama penari Bali, Ni Ronji...Mario anaknya laki2 mengikuti jejak ayahnya jadi pelukis..Kalo Mario di lukisan2nya bny mempergunakan Tea Pot n Buah2-an sbgi objek lukisan...Lukisan2 A.Blanco rata2 figuranya disesuaikan dng lukisan, kalo di lukisannya ada nude woman pegang botol, di figuranya jg dia taru botol beneran..kya gitulah...cosi kreatif gitu dehh
Ada kejadian lucu pas kita foto2 sama burung2..burung nya nakal2 ..yg warna biru..masa bunga kamboja yg gina selipin di telinga dia ambil n di a makan !!!hahahaah...lucu bgt
Abis dari musium kita ke Ubud..liat2 kerajinan tangan yg harganya murah 2 bgt..di sana gina jg liat 'Dream Catcher' nya Larry di salah satu toko dsn...Jd inget Larry..Abis liat Art Shop, kita ke Istana peninggalan kerajaan Ubud..trus foto2 dsn...
Trus kita pulang ke hotel jam 5 lewat...Malam minggu tdnya mo dugem sama Made cuma kt canceled soalnya ujan n kita cape jalan seharian..It's ok..he was such a cute ABG..Kita tidur malem minggu...mustinya jalan tp sayang ujan :(
Pak Ketut jemput kita jam 9 pagi n kita jalan ke Bali Utara...Pertama-tama kita mampir ke Galuh, ga belanja tp foto2 ajaabis tempatnya bgs bgt..Terus kita jg mampir ke toko silver ..bagus2 sihh cuma harga nya 'bagus' jg...nah pas ke Sukowati next stop, kita pada ngeborong sendal, baju...Thanks to Tuy again for nawarin harga2....
Abis itu kita ke Batur...pemandangannya indah banget, foto2 di sana n kita lunch di Kintamani sambil mandangin Gunung Batur n Danau Batur..just beautiful...trus jam 1.00pm kita lanjut lg ke Ubud....pas sampe daerah Delalang kita stop n foto2 di pinggir sawah yg indahhh banget kt pak Ketut dulu sempet iklan Sunsilk di buat disana, emang tempatnya bagus sekaliiii...
Trus jalan lg menuju ke Musium Antonio Blanco ..sepanjang jalan tuh ga henti2nya ngeliat Art Shops ..banyakkk banget!!! heran ga sih gue hahaha norak bgt orang kota ke desa haha..surprise bgt ngeliatnya wow!! orang Bali emang talented bgt, apa yg mereka kerjakan punya nilai seni yg tinggi...Pas ke musium Antonio Blanco, gina sekali lg takjub..tempatnya bagus..n lukisan2nya jg indah2..hampir smua lukisannya berkisar ttg nude women...Kita foto2 dsn n sempet liat2 biografi A.Blanco...Gina baru tau kalo dia nikah sama penari Bali, Ni Ronji...Mario anaknya laki2 mengikuti jejak ayahnya jadi pelukis..Kalo Mario di lukisan2nya bny mempergunakan Tea Pot n Buah2-an sbgi objek lukisan...Lukisan2 A.Blanco rata2 figuranya disesuaikan dng lukisan, kalo di lukisannya ada nude woman pegang botol, di figuranya jg dia taru botol beneran..kya gitulah...cosi kreatif gitu dehh
Ada kejadian lucu pas kita foto2 sama burung2..burung nya nakal2 ..yg warna biru..masa bunga kamboja yg gina selipin di telinga dia ambil n di a makan !!!hahahaah...lucu bgt
Abis dari musium kita ke Ubud..liat2 kerajinan tangan yg harganya murah 2 bgt..di sana gina jg liat 'Dream Catcher' nya Larry di salah satu toko dsn...Jd inget Larry..Abis liat Art Shop, kita ke Istana peninggalan kerajaan Ubud..trus foto2 dsn...
Trus kita pulang ke hotel jam 5 lewat...Malam minggu tdnya mo dugem sama Made cuma kt canceled soalnya ujan n kita cape jalan seharian..It's ok..he was such a cute ABG..Kita tidur malem minggu...mustinya jalan tp sayang ujan :(
Friday, April 07, 2006
Bali Trip - Part 2
Day Two, 7 April
Rencana mo bangun pagi jam 1/2 6 gagal total :( ...bangun2 jam 7.30 am!!!!hahahah pasti pada kecapean semalem , long march. Abis cuci muka, kita ke pantai kuta..main air, foto2...seneng banget!! trus kita sarapan di pinggir pantai: mie goreng, udang n teh manis..Terus jam 1/2 10 balik ke Flora ..Pas mo kluar pantai ada bule tua bawa 2 anjing n pas kita lewat deket dia, mungkin dia liat tampang kita rada takut sm anjing2nya..tau2 dia suruh anjing nya ngegigit kita ..'gigit dia!!' langsung jerit2 'aaaaaaaa...' hahaha lucu bgt ternyata tu bule cuma b'canda..huuuh dasar mr. bule ngerjain aja..Trus dalam perjalanan kesana kita telphone 'Suta Tur'(gina dapet no.nya dari internet, paket murah tur). Kita telp n pesen mobil untuk 7 jam ( 190rb), deal mobil datang jam 2.30pm di Oasis Hotel..Abis nelp, kita liat2 kalung, anting n kacamata di toko2 sepanjang jalan Bakung Sari. Ani beli kalung n anting, gue juga..Tuy beli kacamata n anting, dapet harga murah..'thanks to Yuli yg jago bgt nawar...Terus balik ke Flora jam 10 n kita berenang ..seru jg trus foto2 di pool nya ...
Jam 12pm kita check out dari Flora n ke Oasis Hotel yang jaraknya cuma 5 menit jalan kaki..Wahhhh hotelnya keren n ada kolam renang yg bagus ..Trus waktu abis masuk kamar ada room boy ketok pintu..dia mo beresin extra bed nya tuy..pertamanya gina ga liat dia, gina lg pepsi, ehh pas gina beres pepsi gina liat suasana hening bgt, tumben tuy ga bnyk bicara, gina liat dia lg merhatiin 'room boy' yang ternyata cute bgt..n idungnya keren abisss..pantes tuy sampe bengong2 hehehegina sih brusaha nanya2 sama dia biar suasana ga kaku..ternyata namanya Made Baga, dia jg sempet nanya 'malam mo jalan ke mana?' Anak2 langsung pada kisruh ngomongin dia .hahah slalu ada kecengan ...Dia Made ke-2 yang Tuy kenal...Abis gitu kita istirahat sampe jam 2 siang, soalnya mo di jemput mobil ' Suta Tur' jam 2.30pm. Acara sore itu di mulai ngunjungin 'Tanah Lot' sampe sana jam 3.30pm..tanah Lot selalu indah pemandangannya, cuma waktu itu airnya pasang..tapi kita fun aja n foto2 di sana n sempe beli ice cream..gina beli sandal n ani beli kaos...Jam 4 lewat lima kita lanjutin perjalanan ke Uluwatu, yg makan wkt 1 jam setengah sampe sana jam 1/2 6...Rada ujan tp terus berenti..Aduhh tempatnya Indah banget kita seneng banget ..foto2 jg..n trrus ada kejadian lucu, gue tarik-an jaket sama monyet usil di sana hehehe... Trus nonton tari Kecak yang di mulai pas sunset..nice banget deh......Kita trus ke Jimbaran jam 1/2 8 malam ..seneng banget makan malam di pinggir pantai..cosi romantica..sayang ga dateng sama boyfriend :( ...Kita makan kakap bakar..hmm yummy..n sempet pesen kopi jg...
Sampe hotel jam 9.20pm, trus Gina n Yuli keluar cari pembalut..asik jg jalan2 malam..oh iya hampir lupa, yang bawa mobil dr Suta Tur namanya Pak Ketut..orangnya agak diem tp nice bgt..n kita suka tanya2 ttg Bali sm dia n dia slalu ksh penjelasan yg memuaskan ..Ada jg crita ttg room boy di hotel, pas dia dtng beresin extra bed buat Tuy, anak2 pd bengong hehe setelah gw liat ternyatacute banget..Gue nanya2 sm dia walau awalnya kaku lama2 ngobrol jg..ramah jg ko malah nanya malam ada acara apa...hahahahKita langsung kisruh ngomongin dia hahhha..namanya Made Braga..Made ke-2 yg Tuy kenal..Malam itu gina ga bisa tidur soalnya pas br 'dapet'..agak resah n gina jg mikir soale mo berenang pagi besokannya...
Rencana mo bangun pagi jam 1/2 6 gagal total :( ...bangun2 jam 7.30 am!!!!hahahah pasti pada kecapean semalem , long march. Abis cuci muka, kita ke pantai kuta..main air, foto2...seneng banget!! trus kita sarapan di pinggir pantai: mie goreng, udang n teh manis..Terus jam 1/2 10 balik ke Flora ..Pas mo kluar pantai ada bule tua bawa 2 anjing n pas kita lewat deket dia, mungkin dia liat tampang kita rada takut sm anjing2nya..tau2 dia suruh anjing nya ngegigit kita ..'gigit dia!!' langsung jerit2 'aaaaaaaa...' hahaha lucu bgt ternyata tu bule cuma b'canda..huuuh dasar mr. bule ngerjain aja..Trus dalam perjalanan kesana kita telphone 'Suta Tur'(gina dapet no.nya dari internet, paket murah tur). Kita telp n pesen mobil untuk 7 jam ( 190rb), deal mobil datang jam 2.30pm di Oasis Hotel..Abis nelp, kita liat2 kalung, anting n kacamata di toko2 sepanjang jalan Bakung Sari. Ani beli kalung n anting, gue juga..Tuy beli kacamata n anting, dapet harga murah..'thanks to Yuli yg jago bgt nawar...Terus balik ke Flora jam 10 n kita berenang ..seru jg trus foto2 di pool nya ...
Jam 12pm kita check out dari Flora n ke Oasis Hotel yang jaraknya cuma 5 menit jalan kaki..Wahhhh hotelnya keren n ada kolam renang yg bagus ..Trus waktu abis masuk kamar ada room boy ketok pintu..dia mo beresin extra bed nya tuy..pertamanya gina ga liat dia, gina lg pepsi, ehh pas gina beres pepsi gina liat suasana hening bgt, tumben tuy ga bnyk bicara, gina liat dia lg merhatiin 'room boy' yang ternyata cute bgt..n idungnya keren abisss..pantes tuy sampe bengong2 hehehegina sih brusaha nanya2 sama dia biar suasana ga kaku..ternyata namanya Made Baga, dia jg sempet nanya 'malam mo jalan ke mana?' Anak2 langsung pada kisruh ngomongin dia .hahah slalu ada kecengan ...Dia Made ke-2 yang Tuy kenal...Abis gitu kita istirahat sampe jam 2 siang, soalnya mo di jemput mobil ' Suta Tur' jam 2.30pm. Acara sore itu di mulai ngunjungin 'Tanah Lot' sampe sana jam 3.30pm..tanah Lot selalu indah pemandangannya, cuma waktu itu airnya pasang..tapi kita fun aja n foto2 di sana n sempe beli ice cream..gina beli sandal n ani beli kaos...Jam 4 lewat lima kita lanjutin perjalanan ke Uluwatu, yg makan wkt 1 jam setengah sampe sana jam 1/2 6...Rada ujan tp terus berenti..Aduhh tempatnya Indah banget kita seneng banget ..foto2 jg..n trrus ada kejadian lucu, gue tarik-an jaket sama monyet usil di sana hehehe... Trus nonton tari Kecak yang di mulai pas sunset..nice banget deh......Kita trus ke Jimbaran jam 1/2 8 malam ..seneng banget makan malam di pinggir pantai..cosi romantica..sayang ga dateng sama boyfriend :( ...Kita makan kakap bakar..hmm yummy..n sempet pesen kopi jg...
Sampe hotel jam 9.20pm, trus Gina n Yuli keluar cari pembalut..asik jg jalan2 malam..oh iya hampir lupa, yang bawa mobil dr Suta Tur namanya Pak Ketut..orangnya agak diem tp nice bgt..n kita suka tanya2 ttg Bali sm dia n dia slalu ksh penjelasan yg memuaskan ..Ada jg crita ttg room boy di hotel, pas dia dtng beresin extra bed buat Tuy, anak2 pd bengong hehe setelah gw liat ternyatacute banget..Gue nanya2 sm dia walau awalnya kaku lama2 ngobrol jg..ramah jg ko malah nanya malam ada acara apa...hahahahKita langsung kisruh ngomongin dia hahhha..namanya Made Braga..Made ke-2 yg Tuy kenal..Malam itu gina ga bisa tidur soalnya pas br 'dapet'..agak resah n gina jg mikir soale mo berenang pagi besokannya...
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Bali Trip With Azzurrini n Tuy ( 6 - 10 April '06 )
Bulan Februari Novi - Alcatel kasih tau kalo ada yang mau jual Voucher Hotel n Pesawat ke Bali dng harga murah..Tadinya mo pergi sama Novi tapi sayang Mas Hendry keberatan...Akhirnya gue pergi sama Azzurrini n Tuy tanggal 6 April - 10 April '06..
6 April, kamis..
Gue berangkat sama Azzurrini flight jam 11.30wib..sampai di Ngurah Rai jam 14.00 wita dng slamat..Thank God. Trus kita di jemput sama Pak Budi, dari hotel and diantar ke Flora Beach Hotel di Jl. Bakung Sari. Trus kita istirahat sebentar, mandi trus jalan sore jam 4 sore ke pantai Kuta yang jaraknya cuma 5 menit dari Flora..Pantainya rame and kita sempet makan jagung dsn..trus kita lanjutin jalan ke Legian..liat2 toko2 sepanjang jalan, co2 bule yg abis surfing ga pk baju hehe..pokoke cuci mata n relax judulnya...Trus jam 6 kita jemput Tuy di Bandara, sambil nunggu kita mbahas Tuy gimana dia di pesawat..gue nebak paling dia dapet kenalan;)..Pesawat-nya landing jam 6.30..Dia kliatan sumringah banget, trus begitu kita tanya Tuy ttg pengalaman pertama naik plane, apa seseram yg dia kira, dia jawab dng senyum ternyata ga serem malah dia dpt kenalan cowo Bali 'Made'..uhuuuu!!!..tuh kan tebakan gue bener...Kita balik ke Flora, Tuy naro barang2 trus kita jalan2 malam, keliling Kuta n Legian streets..seru juga. Trus dinner di salah satu restauran di Legian, disitu gue liat ada co jepang yg cute (pokoke kenyang gue cuci mata di Bali hehe, mumpung msh sorangan ;).. makan nasgor, sambil nunggu kita kenalan sama Eka, dia kerja di tour travel di dpn restauran, sayang tawar menawar ga sukses..tapi asik juga ngobrol bareng dia..Pulang dari restaurant jam 10.30pm n jalan kaki sampe hotel..cozi takut soale aman2 aja di sana. Sampe hotel jam 11 trus tidurrrr. Tuy ga bisa tidur kacian deh...kebalikan sm gue n anik, kita tidur pules bgt..hehe sori ya tuy;)
To be continue....
Saturday, March 25, 2006
The Miracle of Indonesia Reaches Over 1.5 Million Souls!
God is doing a mighty work here. I am so amazed at what has taken place, Pastor Benny continued.œWe are seeing the book of Acts come alive in our midst. History has been made during these three services. To God be all the glory! A mountain of empty wheelchairs and crutches served as visible reminders of what had just taken place. The brilliance of Jesus’s glory shone so bright that it was as though a blinding light of the presence of Almighty God flooded our midst. It was a miracle hour like nothing I have ever witnessed. Nearly all of the total 1.5 million souls who attended the three services had raised hands to signify their desire to receive Jesus Christ into their hearts. As Pastor Benny spoke during the closing moments, the audience—stretching as far as the eye could see—erupted in celebration and praise to the Lord Jesus. It was a fitting ending to this event—the largest crowd gathered in a religious service in the history of the world’s largest Muslim nation. No wonder this is already being touted worldwide as the “Miracle of Indonesia!†First Night Miracles Cause Excitement Throughout Jakarta Jakarta’s Governor Sutiyoso welcomed Pastor Benny on Friday evening, opening the Benny Hinn Ministries Miracle Celebration by speaking warmly of the evangelist’s message of love and hope. The historic services, the result of a personal invitation from President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, took place after months of intensive preparation. Miracle after miracle happened during each step of planning. On the first evening, soon after Indonesia’s majestic national anthem rang through the Ancol park, Pastor Benny spoke through an interpreter of his desire to tell each of the precious people about God’s love—to let them know that God loves them. He preached a message of healing and salvation, citing many illustrations of powerful miracles. “Jesus Christ went about healing all and preaching the message of salvation,†he declared. “If Jesus would take the time to heal the leper, the paralytic, the cripple, and even a person with a fever, He will heal you tonight!†It was a message that would continue to ring out through the massive crowd—in excess of 450,000 people the first night, over a half million the second night, and well over a half million the final service. By the second and third evenings, people were sitting on tree limbs and watching from every available building surrounding the Ancol park. On the first night, mighty waves of miracles moved throughout the audience. People of all ages came forward to share testimonies of healing:
A parade of empty wheelchairs could be seen above the heads of the crowd as Pastor Benny urged those who had been healed to make their way toward the platform.
A woman who had difficulty walking and could not bend her legs left her wheelchair behind and began walking. As Pastor Benny attempted to find out what had happened, she dropped to her knees and lifted her hands. The interpreter said, “She wants to take time to thank God for healing her!â€
Piles of crutches were left behind by people who could suddenly walk.
A little girl who came to the service with a broken leg and twisted foot was healed completely. Amazingly, she took the brace off and began walking unassisted.
A woman who had been pain ridden due to a severe accident was released from all pain. She began walking and running, expressing total joy and freedom!
A young boy, deaf from birth, was healed. His mother beamed with excitement as her son began to repeat Pastor Benny’s words, phrase after phrase, with the audience roaring with approval.Before the incredible first night’s service ended, Pastor Benny spoke openly of the greatest miracle of all, and then he invited all who wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ to pray with him. “I looked out over the audience,†Pastor Benny reported afterward, “and as far as I could see, every hand went up. What a wonderful moment, to lead these precious souls in a prayer of salvation!†After the conclusion of the service, as the staff prepared to leave, a man stepped forward and said, “I was so blessed tonight. I’m the man who built this complex, and to see it used in this way gave me such joy.†It was the perfect footnote to a powerful first night’s service! Second Service—“Miracles are happening!†On Saturday, as soon as the worship music began, a commotion started in one area of the park. “What’s happening over there?†Pastor Benny asked. “Someone has been healed!†people shouted. Pastor Benny quickly learned that a man, previously crippled, had stood up from his wheelchair and began to walk! God’s power continued to fall on the audience as the evening progressed. “Miracles are happening!†Pastor Benny declared. More and more people began testifying of amazing miracles:
A young woman who had suffered with cancer for nine years walked onto the platform with two IV bags trailing behind her. She declared that she had been healed and wanted to sing! Pastor Benny handed her the microphone, saying, “It’s not my service. I’m just the preacher!†She sang a song of praise in her native language. As she sang, her eyes sparkled and the crowd responded enthusiastically.
A boy deaf from birth came carrying his hearing aids in his hand. He could hear and repeat after Pastor Benny without the aids.
A man who had cancer of the face was healed. His ear was opened, and he could speak again.
A woman who had a feeding tube protruding from her nose had not been able to eat anything for several years. Suddenly, the muscles in her throat began functioning properly. She could swallow for the first time in years. As she stood on the platform, she drank from a glass of water, something she had not been able do before.
Many deaf ears were opened.
Cancerous tumors vanished.
Men and women of all ages came weeping with joy at God’s healing touch upon their bodies.As the service came to a close, Pastor Benny said, “God’s power is going to be twice as strong tomorrow. Come expecting your miracle!†Final Service—More Powerful Than Before The Sunday afternoon crowd swelled to well over a half million hungry souls. As before, traffic was jam-packed on roads and parking access areas. The only way Pastor Benny could get to the park was by police helicopter. Again, as during the services on Friday and Saturday nights, the immense crowd seemed to sense that something historic was happening. Worship music filled the Ancol park. They were not disappointed. God’s mighty anointing flowed over the audience. Hearts were drawn to respond by the hundreds of thousands to invite Jesus Christ inside. Miracle after miracle took place:
One of the most dramatic moments occurred when one of the nation’s most popular musical entertainers, stricken with lung cancer, came onto the stage. In front of the throng, he was dramatically healed—literally beating on his chest where the tumor had once been. Overcome with emotion and gratitude, the instantly recognizable celebrity began singing beautifully, miraculously, a most appropriate song, “How Great Thou Art!†in his native Bahasa Indonesia language. The audience cheered wildly, giving God the glory for doing the unthinkable!
Not only was the popular singer healed, but also his composer, who came onstage to accompany the singer on piano, was healed from cancer!
A man who was carried into the service, lame and cancer ridden, was healed, then he jumped off the stretcher and began walking.
A young boy with asthma and mobility problems was totally healed. He came up to the stage with his father. As Pastor Benny and the entire audience watched, the boy became a blur of activity, running back and forth on the stage, then up and down the stairs. The boy’s father openly wept at the sight of his previously ill son scampering around! As with the two previous services, the platform was increasingly jammed with empty wheelchairs, stretchers, crutches, and even oxygen equipment—no-longer-needed, vivid testaments to God’s healing power! Over and over, God moved with power and freedom through the souls gathered in Jakarta. Before the evening ended, it was apparent to all that the “Miracle of Indonesia†was just beginning. With 13,600 islands and 360 ethnic groups stretching across three time zones, Indonesia has the world’s largest Muslim population and is the fourth most populous nation overall. Without a doubt, impact from the Benny Hinn Miracle Celebration will continue to spread throughout the region. “God is doing a mighty work here,†Pastor Benny reported afterward. “This is Indonesia’s hour—and a mighty open door to the Muslim world. Our staff members and I are so grateful for your prayers. I am asking our worldwide partners to continue to lift up the leaders of this nation and ask God Almighty to move powerfully throughout these precious people! What God has done here is just the beginning of what He intends to do all over the globe. This is our destiny for the future! This is a monumental door that has been opened to us after all these years. And this is just the beginning, for this hour is the greatest time for evangelism. Now is the time to reach souls, souls, SOULS with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ! Now, more than ever, we cannot hold back!
A parade of empty wheelchairs could be seen above the heads of the crowd as Pastor Benny urged those who had been healed to make their way toward the platform.
A woman who had difficulty walking and could not bend her legs left her wheelchair behind and began walking. As Pastor Benny attempted to find out what had happened, she dropped to her knees and lifted her hands. The interpreter said, “She wants to take time to thank God for healing her!â€
Piles of crutches were left behind by people who could suddenly walk.
A little girl who came to the service with a broken leg and twisted foot was healed completely. Amazingly, she took the brace off and began walking unassisted.
A woman who had been pain ridden due to a severe accident was released from all pain. She began walking and running, expressing total joy and freedom!
A young boy, deaf from birth, was healed. His mother beamed with excitement as her son began to repeat Pastor Benny’s words, phrase after phrase, with the audience roaring with approval.Before the incredible first night’s service ended, Pastor Benny spoke openly of the greatest miracle of all, and then he invited all who wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ to pray with him. “I looked out over the audience,†Pastor Benny reported afterward, “and as far as I could see, every hand went up. What a wonderful moment, to lead these precious souls in a prayer of salvation!†After the conclusion of the service, as the staff prepared to leave, a man stepped forward and said, “I was so blessed tonight. I’m the man who built this complex, and to see it used in this way gave me such joy.†It was the perfect footnote to a powerful first night’s service! Second Service—“Miracles are happening!†On Saturday, as soon as the worship music began, a commotion started in one area of the park. “What’s happening over there?†Pastor Benny asked. “Someone has been healed!†people shouted. Pastor Benny quickly learned that a man, previously crippled, had stood up from his wheelchair and began to walk! God’s power continued to fall on the audience as the evening progressed. “Miracles are happening!†Pastor Benny declared. More and more people began testifying of amazing miracles:
A young woman who had suffered with cancer for nine years walked onto the platform with two IV bags trailing behind her. She declared that she had been healed and wanted to sing! Pastor Benny handed her the microphone, saying, “It’s not my service. I’m just the preacher!†She sang a song of praise in her native language. As she sang, her eyes sparkled and the crowd responded enthusiastically.
A boy deaf from birth came carrying his hearing aids in his hand. He could hear and repeat after Pastor Benny without the aids.
A man who had cancer of the face was healed. His ear was opened, and he could speak again.
A woman who had a feeding tube protruding from her nose had not been able to eat anything for several years. Suddenly, the muscles in her throat began functioning properly. She could swallow for the first time in years. As she stood on the platform, she drank from a glass of water, something she had not been able do before.
Many deaf ears were opened.
Cancerous tumors vanished.
Men and women of all ages came weeping with joy at God’s healing touch upon their bodies.As the service came to a close, Pastor Benny said, “God’s power is going to be twice as strong tomorrow. Come expecting your miracle!†Final Service—More Powerful Than Before The Sunday afternoon crowd swelled to well over a half million hungry souls. As before, traffic was jam-packed on roads and parking access areas. The only way Pastor Benny could get to the park was by police helicopter. Again, as during the services on Friday and Saturday nights, the immense crowd seemed to sense that something historic was happening. Worship music filled the Ancol park. They were not disappointed. God’s mighty anointing flowed over the audience. Hearts were drawn to respond by the hundreds of thousands to invite Jesus Christ inside. Miracle after miracle took place:
One of the most dramatic moments occurred when one of the nation’s most popular musical entertainers, stricken with lung cancer, came onto the stage. In front of the throng, he was dramatically healed—literally beating on his chest where the tumor had once been. Overcome with emotion and gratitude, the instantly recognizable celebrity began singing beautifully, miraculously, a most appropriate song, “How Great Thou Art!†in his native Bahasa Indonesia language. The audience cheered wildly, giving God the glory for doing the unthinkable!
Not only was the popular singer healed, but also his composer, who came onstage to accompany the singer on piano, was healed from cancer!
A man who was carried into the service, lame and cancer ridden, was healed, then he jumped off the stretcher and began walking.
A young boy with asthma and mobility problems was totally healed. He came up to the stage with his father. As Pastor Benny and the entire audience watched, the boy became a blur of activity, running back and forth on the stage, then up and down the stairs. The boy’s father openly wept at the sight of his previously ill son scampering around! As with the two previous services, the platform was increasingly jammed with empty wheelchairs, stretchers, crutches, and even oxygen equipment—no-longer-needed, vivid testaments to God’s healing power! Over and over, God moved with power and freedom through the souls gathered in Jakarta. Before the evening ended, it was apparent to all that the “Miracle of Indonesia†was just beginning. With 13,600 islands and 360 ethnic groups stretching across three time zones, Indonesia has the world’s largest Muslim population and is the fourth most populous nation overall. Without a doubt, impact from the Benny Hinn Miracle Celebration will continue to spread throughout the region. “God is doing a mighty work here,†Pastor Benny reported afterward. “This is Indonesia’s hour—and a mighty open door to the Muslim world. Our staff members and I are so grateful for your prayers. I am asking our worldwide partners to continue to lift up the leaders of this nation and ask God Almighty to move powerfully throughout these precious people! What God has done here is just the beginning of what He intends to do all over the globe. This is our destiny for the future! This is a monumental door that has been opened to us after all these years. And this is just the beginning, for this hour is the greatest time for evangelism. Now is the time to reach souls, souls, SOULS with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ! Now, more than ever, we cannot hold back!
The "Miracle of Indonesia" Reaches Over 1.5 Million Souls! (March 24-26 2006)
Now that the final service is over, I am more amazed than ever at what has taken place. We literally saw the book of Acts come alive in our midst. History was made during these three services. I have heard reports that people who have heard of what happened in Jakarta are already calling it the Miracle of Indonesia. To God be all the glory! I wish you could have been standing with me as I spoke during the closing moments of that final service. There were rows of empty wheelchairs and mounds of crutches, each serving as visible reminders of the mighty miracles that had just taken place. Nearly all of the total 1.5 million souls who attended the three services had raised hands to signify their desire to receive Jesus Christ into their hearts.
Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames.The brilliance of Jesus glory shone so bright that it was as though a blinding light of the presence of Almighty God flooded our midst. It was a miracle hour like nothing I have ever witnessed. I would have loved for you to stand with me onstage and look out across a massive sea of people as far as the eye could see as these hungry people testified of such amazing healings:
The little girl who came to the service with a broken leg and twisted foot was healed completely. Amazingly, she took the brace off and began walking unassisted.
A woman who had been pain ridden due to a severe accident was released from all pain. She began walking and running, expressing total joy and freedom!
A young boy, deaf from birth, was healed. His mother beamed with excitement as her son began to repeat my words, phrase after phrase, with the audience roaring with approval.
A young woman who had suffered with cancer for nine years walked onto the platform with two IV bags trailing behind her. She declared that she had been healed and wanted to sing! I handed her the microphone and told her, "It's not my service. I'm just the preacher!" She sang a song of praise in her native language. As she sang, her eyes sparkled and the crowd responded enthusiastically.
A boy deaf from birth came carrying his hearing aids in his hand. He could hear and repeat every phrase I said to him without the aids. I wish you could have seen his precious little face as he realized that he could hear perfectly!
A man who had cancer of the face was healed. His ear was opened, and he could speak again.
And during the final service, as during the first two, God's mighty anointing flowed over the audience. Miracle after miracle took place, including one of the most dramatic moments when one of the nation's most popular musical entertainers, stricken with lung cancer, came onto the stage. In front of the throng, he was dramatically healed literally beating on his chest where the tumor had once been. Overcome with emotion and gratitude, he began singing beautifully, miraculously, a most appropriate song, "How Great Thou Art!" The audience cheered wildly, giving God the glory for doing the unthinkable!Each night, I spoke openly about the greatest miracle of all, and then I invited all who wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ to lift their hands if they wanted to pray with me and accept Him into their hearts. Each service, I looked out over the audience that stretched like an endless horizon, and every hand I could see went up. It was a wonderful privilege to be able to lead these precious souls in a prayer of salvation! Over and over, God moved with power and freedom through the souls gathered in Jakarta. Before the evening ended, it was apparent to all that the Miracle of Indonesia was just beginning. Think of it, dear partner! Over 1.5 million people heard the life-changing and miracle-working Gospel message in Indonesia the largest Muslim nation on earth! God did a mighty work. This is Indonesia's hour, and what God has done here is just the beginning of what He intends to do all over the globe. Yet, even as we celebrate the great eternal victory, I want you to know that this is not the end, this is the beginning! Our wonderful Master Jesus has opened a miracle door to the Muslim world, and we cannot stop, stall, or wait. We must go now! For the glory of His name, we must redouble our efforts to win the world for Jesus while we still have the opportunity, because time is short. This is a monumental door that has been opened to us after all these years. As I leave Jakarta and the precious souls of Indonesia behind, I want you to know from the bottom of my heart how much I appreciate your prayers and the seed you have planted into this ministry to make the Miracle of Indonesia possible. This is our destiny for the future! This is the greatest time for evangelism. Now is the time to reach souls, souls, SOULS with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ! Now, more than ever, we cannot hold back! Pray as never before. Give as never before. Now is the time! So I am asking you boldly, and with great conviction in my heart, to plant your seed for souls right now. Please do it for Jesus. Please do it for the sake of our lost world that is so hungry for the Gospel, and please do it because our wonderful Master Jesus has opened this door of opportunity for a brief season and we cannot wait. Be part of this unprecedented, worldwide move of God, and the ingathering of souls that is literally shaking the Muslim world for the glory of God. Sow your most generous and sacrificial seed so that others might know and so that you will reap an unlimited harvest in your life. From Indonesia, for His glory... For souls, Benny Hinn
Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames.The brilliance of Jesus glory shone so bright that it was as though a blinding light of the presence of Almighty God flooded our midst. It was a miracle hour like nothing I have ever witnessed. I would have loved for you to stand with me onstage and look out across a massive sea of people as far as the eye could see as these hungry people testified of such amazing healings:
The little girl who came to the service with a broken leg and twisted foot was healed completely. Amazingly, she took the brace off and began walking unassisted.
A woman who had been pain ridden due to a severe accident was released from all pain. She began walking and running, expressing total joy and freedom!
A young boy, deaf from birth, was healed. His mother beamed with excitement as her son began to repeat my words, phrase after phrase, with the audience roaring with approval.
A young woman who had suffered with cancer for nine years walked onto the platform with two IV bags trailing behind her. She declared that she had been healed and wanted to sing! I handed her the microphone and told her, "It's not my service. I'm just the preacher!" She sang a song of praise in her native language. As she sang, her eyes sparkled and the crowd responded enthusiastically.
A boy deaf from birth came carrying his hearing aids in his hand. He could hear and repeat every phrase I said to him without the aids. I wish you could have seen his precious little face as he realized that he could hear perfectly!
A man who had cancer of the face was healed. His ear was opened, and he could speak again.
And during the final service, as during the first two, God's mighty anointing flowed over the audience. Miracle after miracle took place, including one of the most dramatic moments when one of the nation's most popular musical entertainers, stricken with lung cancer, came onto the stage. In front of the throng, he was dramatically healed literally beating on his chest where the tumor had once been. Overcome with emotion and gratitude, he began singing beautifully, miraculously, a most appropriate song, "How Great Thou Art!" The audience cheered wildly, giving God the glory for doing the unthinkable!Each night, I spoke openly about the greatest miracle of all, and then I invited all who wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ to lift their hands if they wanted to pray with me and accept Him into their hearts. Each service, I looked out over the audience that stretched like an endless horizon, and every hand I could see went up. It was a wonderful privilege to be able to lead these precious souls in a prayer of salvation! Over and over, God moved with power and freedom through the souls gathered in Jakarta. Before the evening ended, it was apparent to all that the Miracle of Indonesia was just beginning. Think of it, dear partner! Over 1.5 million people heard the life-changing and miracle-working Gospel message in Indonesia the largest Muslim nation on earth! God did a mighty work. This is Indonesia's hour, and what God has done here is just the beginning of what He intends to do all over the globe. Yet, even as we celebrate the great eternal victory, I want you to know that this is not the end, this is the beginning! Our wonderful Master Jesus has opened a miracle door to the Muslim world, and we cannot stop, stall, or wait. We must go now! For the glory of His name, we must redouble our efforts to win the world for Jesus while we still have the opportunity, because time is short. This is a monumental door that has been opened to us after all these years. As I leave Jakarta and the precious souls of Indonesia behind, I want you to know from the bottom of my heart how much I appreciate your prayers and the seed you have planted into this ministry to make the Miracle of Indonesia possible. This is our destiny for the future! This is the greatest time for evangelism. Now is the time to reach souls, souls, SOULS with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ! Now, more than ever, we cannot hold back! Pray as never before. Give as never before. Now is the time! So I am asking you boldly, and with great conviction in my heart, to plant your seed for souls right now. Please do it for Jesus. Please do it for the sake of our lost world that is so hungry for the Gospel, and please do it because our wonderful Master Jesus has opened this door of opportunity for a brief season and we cannot wait. Be part of this unprecedented, worldwide move of God, and the ingathering of souls that is literally shaking the Muslim world for the glory of God. Sow your most generous and sacrificial seed so that others might know and so that you will reap an unlimited harvest in your life. From Indonesia, for His glory... For souls, Benny Hinn
Monday, March 13, 2006
McLaren Tim Terbaik Di Sakhir
Hanya dua tim yang kedua pembalapnya menghasilkan poin di seri pembuka musim 2006 di Sirkuit Sakhir, Bahrain. Dan dari dua tim tersebut, McLaren adalah yang terbaik.Dengan strategi pitstop berbeda, duet Kimi Raikkonen dan Juan Pablo Montoya menyumbangkan 10 poin buat McLaren pada balapan yang berlangsung hari Minggu (12/3/2006).Raikkonen hanya satu kali melakukan pergantian ban dan pengisian bahan bakar karena langsung full tank gara-gara harus start paling belakang. Hasilnya? Dengan penampilan yang agresif dan dingin, The Iceman naik podium juara tiga.Montoya juga cukup stabil berada di rombongan depan. Dengan dua kali pitstop ia mencapai finis sama dengan peringkatnya di sesi kualifikasi: urutan lima."Ini hasil yang luar biasa setelah kemarin mengecewakan. Tapi kami telah mengetahui bahwa mobil ini sangat kuat di sepanjang weekend. Tadinya kami pikir kami bisa meraup lebih banyak angka hari ini, sekalipun kami start dari grid belakang. Memperoleh satu podium adalah fantastis," tukas Raikkonen.Jika pembalap Finlandia itu sudah merasa puas, tidak demikian dengan Montoya. Bagaimanapun ia menyadari seharusnya bisa mencapai hasil lebih dibanding partnernya itu."Aku tak benar-benar nyaman dengan setingan mobilku weekend ini. Ini terlihat sekali di semua sesi latihan. Tentu aku sedikit kecewa finis di tempat kelima karena yang kutahu mobil ini bisa melakukan lebih," katanya."Bagaimanapun ini balapan yang bagus. Dengan kedua mobil menghasilkan poin, ini tentu sangat penting artinya buat tim. Dari situasi yang ada, empat angka yang kucetak cukuplah bagus. Kini aku membidik balapan selanjutnya di Sepang, di mana kami bisa meraih hasil lebih baik."Selain McLaren, tim yang kedua pembalapnya meraih poin adalah Williams. Mark Webber memungut dua poin dengan nangkring di urutan ketujuh, sedangkan Nico Rosberg tepat berada di belakang rekannya itu.Catatan khusus layak disematkan pada Rosberg karena bersinar pada debutnya di pentas Formula 1. Selain gaya membalapnya cukup agresif dan manuvernya bersih, ia juga mencetak fastest lap di putaran ke-42.(Detik Sport)
Kimi Rebut Gelar Pembalap Terbaik
Fernando Alonso boleh saja menggondol gelar juara dunia Formula 1 di musim 2005. Namun di mata penggemar Kimi Raikkonen-lah yang pantas mendapat gelar sebagai yang terbaik di musim ini.Hal itu menjadi kebanggaan bagi Kimi ketika majalah F1 Racing memberikan penghargaan bergengsi terhadap insan-insan komunitas Formula 1. Melibatkan hasil poling dari 43 ribu orang untuk pemilihan 14 kategori, ia meraup dua kategori bergengsi yakni performa terbaik (Drive of the Year) dan pembalap perbaik (Driver of the Year).Gelar pertama diberikan kepada Kimi atas penampilan memukaunya saat bertarung di GP Monaco. "Tak ada pembalap di tahun 2005 ini yang bisa mengkombinasikan strategi dan bakat seperti yang Kimi lakukan di Monaco," demikian komentar F1 Racing. Sementara itu Kimi yang merasa tersanjung atas penghargaan tersebut mengungkapkan kalau ia sangat berterima kasih kepada para penggemar yang telah memilihnya."Selalu menyenangkan kalau dihargai, jadi saya ingin berterima kasih kepada para pembaca F1 Racing yang telah memilihku. Sebuah apresiasi yang membanggakan bagi tiap pembalap dianugerahi sebagai Pembalap Terbaik," ujar Kimi yang mengalahkan Alonso untuk penghargaan tersebut.Tak hanya Kimi, rekan setimnya Juan Pablo Montoya juga mendapat penghargaan untuk kategori "Manuver Terbaik". Manuver yang dilakoni Montoya saat melewati Alonso di GP Inggris dinyatakan sebagai aksi terbaik tanpa keraguan. Boleh dibilang dalam acara penghargaan ini tim McLaren berjaya dengan merebut enam penghargaan. Dua gelar tambahannya adalah untuk gelar "Mobil Terbaik" dan "Pembalap Tes Terbaik". MP4-20 memenangkan gelar Car of the Year dengan perolehan hasil voting 41,3 persen. "Saya hanya memberi kontribusi sedikit pada mobil dan persiapan. Jjadi ini adalah penghargaan untuk tim. Para kru telah berjuang dengan keras sepanjang tahun ini, saya bangga bisa mewakili mereka untuk penghargaan ini," tutur pimpinan McLaren, Ron Dennis. Untuk Pembalap Tes Terbaik, Pedro de la Rosa dinilai pantas terplih. "Ia mengendarai dengan gayanya sendiri, baik saat uji coba maupun ketika mendapat kesempatan untuk membalap," puji F1 Racing terhadap de la Rosa. (Detik Sport-Jakarta)
Friday, March 03, 2006
Nge-Kos :)
Mulai kemaren gue kos di Kemayoran sama Ria, sepupu ku..Kita share kamar, lumayan gede kamarnya, trus kamar mandi di dalam plus ac..nyaman banget, emang agak jauh dari kantor tp gapapa untuk saat ini, at least sampe Ria nikah..Udah pesen sama Virna ex-kos2 an dia di karet..katanya sih masih penuh..
1st day acaranya berenang di Sunter..wah udah lama banget gak berenang ..udah hampir lupa, untung masih bisa ngambang hehehe..berenang dua jam and asik banget ketawa ketiwi sama Ria and Shenny. Abis berenang kita pulang jam 9 trus aku sama Ria makan roti bakar, pisang coklat and ovaltine...asik...sampe kos tidurrrrrrr..cape bgt bo'..trus gue malam tadi kedinginan, untung gue bawa selimut tapi kayanya musti beli selimut yg tebelan deh abis duingiin banget..bbrbrrrr!!!
Kesimpulan nya kos hari pertama fine and fun ;-)
A bien tot '
1st day acaranya berenang di Sunter..wah udah lama banget gak berenang ..udah hampir lupa, untung masih bisa ngambang hehehe..berenang dua jam and asik banget ketawa ketiwi sama Ria and Shenny. Abis berenang kita pulang jam 9 trus aku sama Ria makan roti bakar, pisang coklat and ovaltine...asik...sampe kos tidurrrrrrr..cape bgt bo'..trus gue malam tadi kedinginan, untung gue bawa selimut tapi kayanya musti beli selimut yg tebelan deh abis duingiin banget..bbrbrrrr!!!
Kesimpulan nya kos hari pertama fine and fun ;-)
A bien tot '
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Perfect Day
Just a perfect day..
Drink sangria in the park
And later, when it gets dark
We go home
Just a perfect day..
Feed animals in the zoo
And later, a movie too
And then home
It’s such a perfect day
I’m glad I spent it with you
Such a perfect day
You just keep me hanging on..
You just keep me hanging on..
Just a perfect day..
Problems all left alone
Weekenders on our own
Such fun
Just a perfect day
You made me forget myself
I thought I was someone else
Someone new
You’re gonna reap, just what you sow.
You’re gonna reap, just what you sow.
You’re gonna reap, just what you sow.
You’re gonna reap, just what you sow.
You’re gonna reap, just what you sow.
You’re gonna reap, just what you sow.
(By: Duran Duran)
Drink sangria in the park
And later, when it gets dark
We go home
Just a perfect day..
Feed animals in the zoo
And later, a movie too
And then home
It’s such a perfect day
I’m glad I spent it with you
Such a perfect day
You just keep me hanging on..
You just keep me hanging on..
Just a perfect day..
Problems all left alone
Weekenders on our own
Such fun
Just a perfect day
You made me forget myself
I thought I was someone else
Someone new
You’re gonna reap, just what you sow.
You’re gonna reap, just what you sow.
You’re gonna reap, just what you sow.
You’re gonna reap, just what you sow.
You’re gonna reap, just what you sow.
You’re gonna reap, just what you sow.
(By: Duran Duran)
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Smile :-)
Kadang gue pikir dalam hidup gue, gue dikelilingi sama 'Angels'..soalnya gue perhatiin tiap kali gue 'down' selalu aja ada seseorang yang 'muncul n bikin gue 'Smile'..entah dari cerita2 atau lewat perhatian mereka..Dan untuk kehadiran 'mereka2' ini gue bersyukur n beruntung mengenal mereka..gue tau they were sent from heaven to cheer me up..Thank You My Lord Jesus....
Le Samedi dernierre, J'etais tres decu :( ..une probleme avec ma mere et puis avec mon ami 'Lars..alors gue jadi verry bete, waktu gue lg ngerasa nggak berdaya gitu, salah satu malaikat muncul, LS..Il m'a donne un SMS e m'a fait content..dia tanya kabar gue and say sorry kalo kemaren chat lewat sametime cuma sebentar, dia bilang dia happy waktu liat nama gue, and tanya jg tentang usaha gue cari kerjaan lain..and said greetings from usa..Cuma beberapa baris, tapi apa yang dia tulis sangat ngebantu gue tuk 'Smile' lagi :-) ...Thanks God..Thanks Angels...God Bless U
Le Samedi dernierre, J'etais tres decu :( ..une probleme avec ma mere et puis avec mon ami 'Lars..alors gue jadi verry bete, waktu gue lg ngerasa nggak berdaya gitu, salah satu malaikat muncul, LS..Il m'a donne un SMS e m'a fait content..dia tanya kabar gue and say sorry kalo kemaren chat lewat sametime cuma sebentar, dia bilang dia happy waktu liat nama gue, and tanya jg tentang usaha gue cari kerjaan lain..and said greetings from usa..Cuma beberapa baris, tapi apa yang dia tulis sangat ngebantu gue tuk 'Smile' lagi :-) ...Thanks God..Thanks Angels...God Bless U
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Lagunya Orang Yang Lagi Falling In Love...Haaaa!!
Music & Lyrics: The Corrs
Say it's true, there's nothing like me and you
I'm not alone, tell me you feel it too
And I would run away
I would run away, yeah..., yeah
I would run away
I would run away with you
Cause I am falling in love with you
No never I'm never gonna stop
Falling in love with you
Close the door, lay down upon the floor
And by candlelight, make love to me through the night
(through the night, through the night...)
Cause I have run away
I have run away, yeah..., yeah
I have run away, run away
I have run away with you
Cause I am falling in love (falling in love) with you
No never I'm never gonna stop
Falling in love with you...
With you...
And I would runaway
I would runaway, yeah..., yeah
I would runaway (runaway)
I would runaway with you
Cause I am falling in love (falling in love) with you
No never I'm never gonna stop
Falling in love with you...
Falling in love (falling in love) with you
No never I'm never gonna stop falling in love with you
With you, my love, with you...
na ni na ni na na... (With you, with you, with you, with you)
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